Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ethics Final Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Final - Term Paper Example However, the challenge of the project lies with its side effects to the locals and to the environment. The keystone pipeline project entails transportation of oil from the extraction site to the storage facilities, hence passing through many regions before reaching final destination. Therefore, it has many disadvantages based on its environmental degradation in the areas. Similarly, the process of extracting oils is very difficult and risky to the locals in cases measures are not placed to curb any uncertainty that may arise (Figueiredo and Brent 8). Hence, many factors require consideration before embarking on the project. Accommodating different players involved will be crucial in the management of the project and reducing the negative impacts associated with it. One of the key people for the successful implementation of this project are engineers who have different function. One of the roles of engineers is to conduct an environmental assessment to evaluate all the claims that might hinder the implementation of the project (Figueiredo and Brent 8). It is true that oil pipelines are hazardous, especially when they break and leak into the environment. Their impacts are always immense and make people oppose them whenever they hear about their construction. Therefore, engineers must conduct an environmental assessment to determine risk and mitigation measures. Secondly, engineers have a role of informing the community where the pipeline is to be constructed on the benefits of the projects. They also need to know the risk involved and their duties for the success of the project (Figueiredo and Brent 8). This will be essential since it will give the locals an opportunity to contribute and participate in the construction of the projects. Creating awareness to the surrounding communities is critical to the implementation of any project since it becomes inclusive, and people have to give

Sunday, February 9, 2020

How can one person lead another Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

How can one person lead another - Essay Example If true than what are the different types of leadership. What are the factors that define a type of leadership? Do culture, organizational behavior, characteristics and attitude of the people has any role to play in defining the successful type of leadership for a particular organization in a particular country. In the fast changing world of the twenty first century, the ever accelerating pace of change creates a lot of challenges and opportunities for the organizations. Hence organizations today need the vision of leadership and adaptability to capture the opportunities and minimize threats for sustained growth (Kotter, 1996). This paper aims at studying the characteristics, attitude and behavior of the Indonesian people and the organizational culture and work environment of Indonesian organizations. I as a leader will analyze which leadership theory and style is more appropriate and suitable for them? How I will apply them to lead and guide people in my organization? Culture as Men tal Programming There is almost as much variety in Human’s mind as it is in human beings themselves but fortunately there still exists a structure in this variety which provides the basis for mutual understanding. Every person has his own pattern of thinking and feeling which determines his potential action based on his lifetime learning. To deviate from such patterns and learn something new, a person has to do a lot of unlearning and unlearning is more difficult than learning. These patterns of thinking, feeling and actions form the mental programs. These mental programs are deep rooted in the social environment, life experiences which include family, neighborhood, youth groups, workplace and living in a society. All this information gives us an insight into an individual’s behavior and action and reaction (Gert Jan Hofstede, 2010). The sound knowledge of this mind program is very important for leadership. This mind program also defines the working environment in the organizations and determines the behavior and attitude of employees. I will not be able to lead people in my organization and successfully doing the unlearning unless I have sound knowledge of their mind program. The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Performance Research has proven that organizational culture has very weak link with organizational performance but it is an important determinant of internal control within the organization. Research also proves that organizational culture and internal control and governance although has positive relationship with organizational performance but its role is not very significant (Wobovo, 2008). This research further augments our point of the need of leadership for improving organizational performance. Behavioral tendencies of Indonesians Indonesia consists of 17,508 separate islands and the population exceeds 234 million. In terms of population it is the fourth largest country in the world. Indonesia is a multicultural socie ty with one of the most populous Muslim majority country in the world. It also has significant number of Hindus, Buddhist and Christians. Hence the culture of one city is sometimes entirely different from other