Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Story of Early America An Examination of the...

The Story of Early America: An Examination of the Development and Transformation of this Country America is certainly the most unique nation in the world. Its history is dotted with changes and transformations never seen in other countries. Its abilities of acceptance of any creed, race or view are unparalleled in modesty as well as practicality. It is for this reason that America has become the powerful nation it is today, for it is made up of individuals who came to this land in the hope of finding a better way of life and these individuals did everything in their power to achieve their goals. For this reason, this paper will examine just how the story of America began, and how competition and struggle shaped the developed of the lad throughout the centuries. The paper will argue that it was diversity and eventual acceptance that promoted political, social and economic views that have lasted and will last long into the future. The beginnings of this country are mirrored in exact historical writings from many sources. It becomes clear by examining the sources of Founding Fathers such as Franklin, and other figures such as Hammond and Pontiac, that America was a very unique nation, even in its beginnings, as aforementioned. These authors, whose beliefs are also illustrated below, thought of the new country as a land yet untouched by the evils of European society and the struggles of this Old World. For instance, Benjamin Franklin state that not only is landShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Media On Culture And Media Studies2191 Words   |  9 Pagesthe cultural role of media messages and mass media in general has shaped the society in particular situations. Examination of media messages such as those contained in news broadcasts, newspaper articles and the production issues of those controlling media outlets are undisputable in transforming our culture. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Maria said that the children have an inner force, it gives...

Maria said that the children have an inner force, it gives them the strength and energy to achieve potentially. When you give a child guidance and freedom, they focus mainly on what they need to know. Children have more confidence and they do not need to rely on the teachers. Maria had put optimism and humanism in her teaching. Montessori approach, she made the school beautiful and careful environment for the children. Didactic materials, so she could meet the needs of each child at their level of development. The teacher has to prepare instructions that get the children interested in the activity. I believe that they should not force it upon the child, it is better for the child to choose his or her activity as they will become more†¦show more content†¦Observation is a key method, it is a way for the adults to learn about what the child needs. For example, if you see a child hammering on objects this means that the child is involved in the activity so we give him a drum. This is how observation can help and achieve a child’s requirement. Following the Child The child will show you what they need to do, what to develop in themselves and what are the areas they need to be challenged in. â€Å"The aim of the children who persevere in their work with an object is certainly not to â€Å"learn†; they are drawn to it by the needs of their inner life, which must be recognized and developed by its means.† – Maria Montessori. Following the child around in the classroom will help you find out a little more about the child. If they want to climb, let them climb in a safe manner. Do not be overprotective or they will always rely on the teachers. It is better for the child to understand and be mature from a younger age as it will help them in the future. Also it is best not to tell the child what to do all the time, the child needs to familiarise themselves within their environment. One thing ever child needs is â€Å"freedom† and it is better to give that to the child. Keep presenting the child with some choices of different toys so they are fully focused and engaging in the activity. Also, step away from the child and let him or her get on with theShow MoreRelatedThe Ho Chunk913 Words   |  4 PagesThe history of the Ho-Chunk is very complex. According to oral tradition the Ho-Chunk originated at the Red Banks by Green Bay. These Red Banks are assumed to be a sight on the Door Peninsula. Their language is related to the Chiwere branch of Siouan, which includes the Iowa, Oto, and Missouria tribes. These tribes acknowledge having broken off from the Ho-Chunk and moving to the West. The meaning behind their name though is quite fascinating. It can either mean â€Å"big voice† or â€Å"big fish†.Read More Book: Gung Ho Essay1765 Words   |  8 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gung Ho, by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles was a wonderful book that discussed many important factors involved in making a company truly successful. It had a good storyline to help to tell the story of Gung Ho. When I first picked up the book to read it I really had no idea what to expect to learn from the book. The points that were made in this book were very simple and common sense principles. I say that these principles are simple, but many companies do not thinkRead MoreEssay on Ho Chi Minh849 Words   |  4 PagesHo Chi Minh He combined nationalism to communism and perfected the deadly art of guerrilla warfare. An emaciated, goateed figure in a threadbare bush jacket and tattered rubber sandals, Ho Chi Minh refined the image of a humble, benign Uncle Ho. But he was a skilled revolutionary and passionate nationalist obsessed by a single goal: independence for his country. Sharing his passion, his dirty guerrillas cleared daunting obstacles to crush FrancesRead MoreEssay on Ho Chi Minh2386 Words   |  10 PagesHo Chi Minh Vietnamese statesman, Communist leader, and Confucian humanist, who led the countrys struggle for independence in the 1940s and was a major figure in the war between North and South Vietnam in the 1960s. Ho Chi Minh devoted his life to the nationalism, which to promote the Vietnamese independence. Ho emphasizedRead MoreLeadership and Power Tactics from Ho Ching572 Words   |  2 PagesLeadership and Power Tactics from Ho Ching â€Å"The Prime Minister’s Powerful Better Half† is an article about a powerful women named Ho Ching, the Chief executive officer of Temasek Holdings. This summary will provide responses to questions about Ho Ching’s influence based on this week’s reading materials. It will explain whether or not Ho Ching is an influential leader, what types of tactics she uses to influence others based on a portion of her speech, and list her sources of power and characterizeRead MoreHo Chi Minh President2290 Words   |  10 PagesHá »â€œ Chà ­ Minh (Vietnamese pronunciation: [hà ´ÃŒ ¤ tÉ•Ç mÉ ªÃ…‹] ( listen), Chá » ¯ Nà ´m: èÆ' ¡Ã¥ ¿â€"明), born Nguyá »â€¦n Sinh Cung and also known as Nguyá »â€¦n à i Quá »â€˜c (19 May 1890 – 2 September 1969) was a Vietnamese Marxist revolutionary leader who was prime minister (1945–1955) and president (1945–1969) of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam). He formed the Democrati c Republic of Vietnam and led the Viá »â€¡t cá »â„¢ng during the Vietnam War until his death. 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Disappointed with French dominion and European communism, Ho Chi Minh tried to build up a political rationality that would serve Vietnam through its autonomy. Through his adolescence, and encounters abroad, Ho Chi Minh builtRead MoreHo Chi Minh and The Vietnam War2039 Words   |  9 Pages The declaration of Vietnamese independence made by Ho Chi Minh in 1945 served as a milestone in what was a century-old struggle against foreign control. In its history Vietnam had spent 1000 years under control of the Chinese and had resisted this control vehemently. Revolts and rebellions against China finally lead to Vietnamese independence in the tenth century. In the thirteenth century the Vietnamese drove back Kublai Khan three times under the leadership Dao. Tran Hung Dao not only led theRead MoreHo Chi Minh and Vietnam Essay481 Words   |  2 PagesHo Chi Minh, Politics, and North Vietnam North Vietnam, September 2, 1945, Ho Chi Minh declared independence from France. Ho Chi Minhs Independence Day was marked with a new constitution and a new name, The Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Hos speech on the day of Vietnamese Independence was one of freedom, freedom against French domination. Inspiration of Hos speech was one from American history and history has a tendency to repeat itself. Like the very past of America and Europe, French

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Music Pros and Cons free essay sample

Parents complacent about song lyrics and the message the song sends out to the youngsters of Americas society. Parents try to stop rappers like Mine, Jay-Z, and Jag Rule from corrupting the minds of children. They say its gives them (children) ideas about drugs and crimes being that they are seeing there idols on TV rap about it. But on question I ask myself is are the parents right or are the rappers rapping the truth.I believe that it is the parents responsibility to kook after their children to guide them and to stay on top of what they are doing no matter what. Rappers like Mine have stated this. In Imines song I am he says they blame it on Marylyn and the heroin, but where were the parents. I believe he is correct in everyday. I believe that the parents are getting upset due to the fact that because they are not doing there Job which is raising kids the TV is doing it for them. We will write a custom essay sample on Music : Pros and Cons or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There rappers such as the former Outpace Shaker always spoke the harsh truth bout life and the future. Because of this parents became alarmed that their children would grow up to deal drugs and perform illegal operations, Just because a rapper finally expressed how hard life is. If a parent does not want their children to listen to rap music then they should watch them and take responsibility for them instead of blaming it on someone else. Maybe Just maybe when the parents start to do that all the shoot outs In school will stop and the truth wont have to come out.